Chiropractic Treatment |
The defining characteristic that separates a chiropractor from other healthcare professionals is the chiropractic adjustment. The chiropractic adjustment is a very quick, controlled, shallow thrust through a restricted joint. Every joint in the body is designed for movement. However, repetitive motions, such as prolonged sitting, excessive lifting, or daily job tasks, can lead to joint restrictions and muscular tension, causing dysfunction. Even tasks of daily living, including walking, exercising, driving, and working on a computer, can lead to imbalances in the body. Chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatments to address these issues. This treatment can be applied to any restricted joint in the spine or extremities.
While chiropractic adjustment is a very safe and effective form of treatment, Dr. Sanchez understands that some individuals prefer not to be manually adjusted. For those individuals, Dr. Sanchez can utilize other tools and methodologies that can create a similar therapeutic effect without the necessity of a manual adjustment. If you would prefer for Dr. Sanchez to use one of these other methodologies, please let him know at any time during your course of treatment. |